November 2019 Community Roundup
Hi Folks,
There has been a LOT of great activity this month in the group! Enjoy the roundup :)
Got feedback/requests? Email me I’m always trying to make this roundup better.
Founder // Pipedrive Facebook Group
Top Conversations
Top conversations that you probably should check out:
Ricardo is trying to distribute leads (evenly, not randomly) in Pipedrive. Martin + Sergei (Pipedrive co-founder + CTO) chime in on this one. Check it out 👉here
Jessey wants to know what makes Pipedrive special. See what other CRM’s people have tried and join the conversation 👉here
HubSpot just acquired PieSync! What does the Pipedrive community think? Read the thread 👉here
Ugi is new to Pipedrive and wants to know how to set a dashboard to track the Customer Lifetime Value. Check out Matt’s response 👉here
Rodrigo just finished a great way to integrate Whatsapp directly into Pipedrive! Take advantage of it and send him a message 👉here
Ricardo has a question about changing a Deal immediately after the WON button is pushed. Carlos to the rescue! Check out the solution 👉here
Jonathan was about to mess up big time before PD swooped in and saved the day! Follow the story 👉here
What’s your best sales story? Mike wants to know! Talk about your passion for sales and add your voice to the mix 👉here
Matt was wondering if Autopilot was the best solution for customer follow up with Pipedrive. What do you think? Join the conversation 👉here
How do you send out reminders to customers before a meeting? Read Marek’s thread to find out what solutions the PD community uses 👉here
Alejandro loves Hubspot’s mobile email read notifications. Does Pipedrive offer the same feature? Find out how to access that feature 👉here
Channing wants to sync email click and open data with email marketing services. The PD community comes to the rescue with several solutions. Check out the thread 👉here
So many emails, so little time! Chad wants to sort through the junk mail in Pipedrive, and he’s not the only one. Read the community’s response 👉here
Interesting Blogs Posts
What apps do you use with Pipedrive? Here are the top 4 new apps just added to the marketplace.
Pipedrive walks you through the perfect pitching strategy to drive decision-making and close more deals.
Check out the 9 key elements on How to Coach Teams in this cool post by Winning by Design.
Hear from the experts to find out the best sales methodology and how they make it work.
Does your team need motivating? Check out this guide to setting sales objectives to get them fired up.
How do you run a great SaaS Sales Demo? Read this interesting blog for the solution to the Demo Trap.
That’s all folks! Please let me know if you have any feedback on this update…useful/not useful? How can we make it better?
Shoot me an email on
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